Asherah Anu replied

567 weeks ago

Another guide found on Beta Forums preserved on VFC forums. Original Guide

Want to be a tank ? And you dont hold agro ? Please read…

So many times this weekend, i would see tanks focus 1 mob, and couldnt hold agro.. so if your having issues, please read.

Gladiator tanks

step 1:Start the fight with Shield throw, this will make all Linked mobs, run at you.
Step 2: Hit Flash once mobs are to you
Step 3: Select mob to kill, Hit Fast Blade - Savage Blade
Step 4: If DD is attacking a different target, or DD's are splitting damage
Use Rage of Halone on the 2nd target.
Step 5: Cast Flash (This will gain you more overall Agro, and ensure healer
Does not gain agro.
Step 6: Cycle emnity gain abilities between the mobs getting attacked by DD's

This will give you Initial agro to keep everyone safe.
*If you have Thurm, he can spam Aoe's after first flash and you wont lose agro
if you do the following.

Pull Mobs with Shield throw.
Cast Flash
Cast Flash
Cast Flash

Cycle Emnity ATtacks
Cast Fastblade on Mob 1, Cast Savage Blade on Mob 1, Cast Rage on Mob 2
Cas Fastblade on Mob 3, Savage Blade on Mob 3, Rage of Halone now on mob 1.
See ? You cycle your agro attacks throu all the mobs.
And again, Cast Flash during these combo's

If you are lower level and have mana issues and people want to spam AOE's
, cast flash 3 times Combo Riot blade and Flash again.

You do NOT have to combo Savage blade and Rage of Halone for Emnity,
If 2x DD's split dmg and you need quick agro and dont have mana or
for some reason you dont use flash, just hit one of these for quick agro.

Marauder Tanks
You take even less skill then a Gladiator to hold any agro.

If your bad enough, walk up to each battle and hit Overpower over and over = win
There is no escuse for the worst MRD's to not have agro.

Cycle Emnity attacks like above on Gladiator, replace Flash with Overpower, replace Shield throw with Tomahawk.

Overall tanking

It is very very simple to never lose agro in this game,
Its the easist game ive ever seen to hold agro.

Left side of screen, you have a bar for each mob in encounter that is agrod
Red - You have Agro
Yellow - You dont have agro, but your high on list i believe
Green - you dont have hardly any agro.

If there is alot of chaos, watch these bars, of one changes from red,
click its bar and tank it.

How to use taunt
Do not pull with Taunt, Do no Taunt a Mob you have agro on.

Provoke sets your Emnity Level = to highest Emnity person attacking mob.
If you screw agro up, or somone spikes damage, Provoke, hit instantly with
Emnity Generating Ability, once again.. you do not have to combo the emnity generators here to grab quick agro.

Example, Hawthorne hut, i walk up to the fate boss, hes a bit above half health.
Lancer tanking it as there are no other tanks and healers having to spam heals.

I walk up, Provoke, Rage of Halone twice(No combo required) and i have agro over the DD's.

Use them as needed, if your a GLD, and you pull 5-6 Mobs, Use Rampart and Forsight.
If your a MRD, pop Forsight, Berserk, Bloodbath and spam Overpower.


Both Tanks can Hold AOE agro, even vs Thurms spamming Fire II. I tell thurms in AOE fights after the first flash,
start spamming AOE's and get the mobs killed.

Marauder probly can hold AOE agro vs a GLD. Does this Matter ? No, not at all, you should not have 2x Tanks
fighting eachother for agro, if the DD's and healers arent getting hit, your an effective tank.

If there is a world boss type mob, and someone is tanking it.. Do not run up and steal agro..
Its extremly easy to Provoke, and spam an emnity ability without a combo and have insta agro from them and hold it.
They are already getting healed.. Tank cant tell if a DD or what pulled agro, you have just now caused healers to
search around to see who is getting hit.. Main tank gets agro back, falls over dead as the healers went to healing others.

Blazze Valkurm Admin replied

567 weeks ago

This post is not for me… but still good for new players.
If you can't rule the world… burn it down!

Hideka replied

567 weeks ago

very poorly written. just about the only right things theyve said are about flash and overpower >_>

Blazze Valkurm Admin replied

567 weeks ago

Did not read this really… I tend to build my own and not use other players info.
If you can't rule the world… burn it down!

Asherah Anu replied

567 weeks ago

As I have never played a tank endgame in an MMO, I more thought the listing would be nice for those like me who can use things like this to make life a bit easier.

Blazze Valkurm Admin replied

567 weeks ago

No, as I said, I think its a good place to start. Will it hold true to launch… we will have to see.
If you can't rule the world… burn it down!

Blkxtasy Kua Recruit replied

567 weeks ago

I do agree with the guide for the most part. I believe now in raids that enemies need to be marked by the PL. Sure, you can split enemies amongst your party, but PLD/GLD are weak dmg wise, so it takes longer to kill solo. I would not suggest using MRD/WAR for tank now. Sure, you could get away with it in 1.0, but hate seems to be more aligned with how it should work. I just think you need a real tank, PLD/GLD, in your party. Just my thought. Shield Throw/FLASH is definitely the way to go.

Blazze Valkurm Admin replied

567 weeks ago

Ya, WAR seems to be better placed in a, "This big boss spawns mobs, so the WAR burns them down, while PLD keeps the boss away from the PT" kind of deal.
If you can't rule the world… burn it down!

Tirion Crey replied

560 weeks ago

What a "horrible" guide <.<
Can't believe that got even 29 Likes and over 40 responses on the beta forum.
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