Blazze Valkurm Admin replied

584 weeks ago

We at Volatile are a mature community, thus, conversations can get a little overboard. That being said we have a Chain of Complaints.

Chain of Complaints:

1. When you have a problem with a person your first priority is to talk to the person who caused you discomfort. When two members can solve their differences it strengthens the bond of the members. Respect their wishes and try to make it right.

2. If the first step does not work you bring it to an officer. The officer will then have a meeting with both members in an attempt to quell the quarrel.

3. If nothing is resolved then there will be a choice made; 1. Confront the person who caused discomfort and either suspend points or kick from shell.

The FC Leader has enough to worry about, if a case is brought directly to him it WILL BE IGNORED and will be treated as if nothing was ever said. This eliminates drama between two or more members.

Member Rights:

The following are the rights (and discussion of those rights) ensured for all members:

1. The right to be part of a community with mutual respect as its guiding principle.

No one knows who could be sitting on the other end of a keyboard. Members will be held accountable for holding their tongue and keeping a stern stance on being the most respected members on the server and in the public community. If you wish have an intelligent debate, by all means have it, but keep it from public venues, including and not limited to the community and linkshell private discussion areas.

Members are to address each other with respect, and never talk down to one another. Do not publicly display anger; keep it out of RaidCall or the game. Community members will receive constructive criticism either on the forums or in the game.

Intra-Game leadership (Shell Leader and Shell Officers) and Website Staff will always be treated with respect in regards to their position.

2. The right to be a part of a community free of drama. Drama starters are auto-kicked, no exceptions.

Volatile, via the forums, RaidCall, live-streaming, and in-game has a no-drama policy. Officers and Website Staff have the final say on what is deemed appropriate or inappropriate.

The follow are all examples of instigating or inciting drama and are not allowed on our community or private forums, in our RaidCall or by our guild members in game:

-Personal (ad hominem) attacks.
-Discussions including religious or political topics.
-Discussions and/or words that could be construed as racist or sexist in nature to include comments with regard to sexual orientation.
-Trolling, flaming, baiting.
-Making multiple accounts on the website.

3. The right to a community where members have a voice without fear of reprisal.

We wish to break away from the popular mold where elite members make all of the decisions. The notion you either deal with it or hit the road must be passed from the beginning. While there will always be circumstances sensitive enough to warrant discussion behind closed doors, there should also never be an instance where you feel you cannot speak up about something in fear of punishment or harsh rebuttal.
Keep in mind there is a time and place for everything. Bringing up an idea or issue is not necessarily something that should be done in the middle of event (e.g. during the intense parts of a raid and/or event), but the general consensus should still be known that you are free to say what you think. Not all ideas will be used, but, they will all be put into consideration.

Common Sense Principles:

1. Be Positive

No amount of raid wipes, ganking, or anything else can hurt the shell more long term than negativity. Expressing concerns is fine, and appreciated, but keep a positive tone. Some things to remember that may help you keep positive:
Getting enraged is the biggest downfall of anyone's character. Avoid lashing out in frustration.
Do not immediately blame individuals for their alleged incompetence without proper review of the incidents at hand.
Generally, the idea is "don’t jump the gun". You just may have been the problem.

2. Be Helpful

You may heard it before, "We were all noobs once.” This holds true for all players. Members come from many types of games. Some have never played an MMO in their life, but have the drive that will allow them to surpass most of their peers easily. If someone is honestly trying to learn, and is being respectful of your time, they deserve all the help they can get.
You never know what kind of friends you'll be making down the road by giving just a few answers or tips. Here are some things you can do:
If you are not currently doing an important event, offer a hand to help.
Offer advice in a friendly manner when you see the chance.

3. Have an Open Mind

While most know their boundaries and ability, they lack accepting the fact that someone might be able to offer something better in terms of ideas or strategy than they have. We are not asking to change anything from what you hear, but we are asking you at least give respect and listen. The best strategies and plans usually come from the most uncommon places and people.
Understand people on the roster come from varied backgrounds.

4. Accept criticism

Understand that your point of view is not the only point of view on Earth.
Offer examples to help explain your position or point in a discussion.

5. Communicate

We want to foster open and honest communication by our members. If at any time you feel that you could not speak up or felt uncomfortable due to interaction with another member(or leader) we ask that you first talk to that member.
If you have a general complaint, offer a solution. Simply complaining for the sake of complaining will do nothing but annoy if not anger those listening.
If you don't have a solution that is fine, but be open to discussing the solution rather than signing off or ignoring the response. If you want to be taken seriously, give the respect of discussing the solution as they did listening to your problem.

General Community Policies and Procedures

* RaidCall:

*All members are expected to be in RaidCall during event times. Any member not in RC at the allotted time will be considered absent.
*All members are expected to have voice communication available (hearing only is not an option.) to them.
*All members will follow the same rules of respect and decorum when on the RaidCall server.
***Push-to-talk is to be used in ALL areas of RaidCall.

Everything else not mentioned is all common sense, these are just guidelines.

We strive to be the best and we will be the best. We have high standards for everybody, but, we also reward those who can follow through. We are like a family and will do anything for our family

TL;DR on Forum Rules;

* At no time will racist, religious, or homophobic topics, attacks be tolerated.
* Do not post any porn or porn links to the forum!
* Test all links. We don't need viruses running rampant!
(You will be kicked should any of this happen!~)

last edited 565 weeks ago by Blazze Valkurm
If you can't rule the world… burn it down!
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