Blazze Valkurm Admin replied

565 weeks ago

Thank you to all made time to show up. I am sure however, we had a few that could not make it do to real life issues, don't feel to left out of the fun/info about what is to come with our team. I will be posting all the info on the meeting, PLUS a special thanks to Doctor for recording the meeting. Both the audio and text files for the meeting will be posted soon so keep an eye out on that.

Again, I hope to continue to see players getting on RC for event/chat. I look forward to Open Beta and Launch so that we can begin end-game once again.
If you can't rule the world… burn it down!

Blkxtasy Kua Recruit replied

565 weeks ago

Had to leave the meeting a little early when the family came home. I think the meeting went well and you provided a lot of information not just on LS rules, but also information I wasn't aware of. Do you posts links to such information regarding game implementations in the forum?

Blazze Valkurm Admin replied

565 weeks ago

Yes, and I also posted the notes from the meeting. You can also download the audio from last night. Feel free to check it all out. If you need any more info, feel free to ask and I will get that info for you as quickly as I can.
If you can't rule the world… burn it down!
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